Understanding Image Overlap in Leetcode and How to Solve it Using Different Approaches

image overlap leetcode

In LeetCode, "Image Overlap" is a problem where we are given two binary matrices, A and B, of size N x N, and we need to find the maximum number of overlapping 1s between the two matrices when one is translated in any direction by (x, y), where -N <= x, y <= N.

Here are a few approaches to solving the problem of "Image Overlap" in LeetCode:

Brute Force Approach:

In this approach, we can consider every possible translation of matrix B and count the number of overlapping 1s with matrix A. The time complexity of this approach is O(N^4), which is not efficient and not recommended.

Hashmap Approach:

In this approach, we can first preprocess the positions of all 1s in matrix A and matrix B. Then, for every possible translation of matrix B, we can iterate through its 1s and count the number of overlapping 1s with matrix A. We can use a hashmap to store the count of overlapping 1s for every translation of matrix B. The time complexity of this approach is O(N^4) in the worst case, but it can be optimized by pruning the translations that do not have enough potential overlap.

Convolution Approach:

In this approach, we can use the convolution operation to find the maximum number of overlapping 1s between matrix A and matrix B for every possible translation of matrix B. The convolution operation is a mathematical operation that combines two functions to produce a third function that expresses how one function is modified by the other. In this case, we can use the convolution operation to compute the overlap between matrix A and matrix B for every possible translation of matrix B. The time complexity of this approach is O(N^4) in the worst case, but it can be optimized by using fast Fourier transform (FFT) to compute the convolution operation efficiently.

Shift-and-Count Approach:

In this approach, we can use the "shift-and-count" technique to count the number of overlapping 1s between matrix A and matrix B for every possible translation of matrix B. The idea is to shift matrix B in every direction and count the number of overlapping 1s with matrix A using the "bitwise-and" and "bitwise-or" operations.

We can use a 2D array to store the count of overlapping 1s for every translation of matrix B. The time complexity of this approach is O(N^4), but it can be optimized by using a prefix-sum technique to compute the count of overlapping 1s efficiently.

In summary, there are several approaches to solving the problem of "Image Overlap" in LeetCode, including the brute force approach, hashmap approach, convolution approach, and shift-and-count approach. The choice of approach depends on the specific constraints of the problem, such as the size of the matrices and the allowed time complexity.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Solving the Image Overlap Problem with Brute Force Algorithm

Here's a step-by-step guide to solving the Image Overlap problem using the brute force algorithm:

1.    Read and understand the problem statement carefully. The problem statement defines two binary matrices A and B of size N x N, and we need to find the maximum number of overlapping 1s between the two matrices when one is translated in any direction by (x, y), where -N <= x, y <= N.

2.    Write a brute force algorithm to solve the problem. The brute force algorithm can consider every possible translation of matrix B and count the number of overlapping 1s with matrix A. Here's how the algorithm works:

a. Initialize a variable max_overlap_count to 0, which will store the maximum number of overlapping 1s between matrix A and matrix B.

b. For every possible translation of matrix B, compute the number of overlapping 1s with matrix A.

c. Update the max_overlap_count variable with the maximum number of overlapping 1s computed in step b.

d. Return the max_overlap_count variable as the solution.

3.    Implement the algorithm in code. Here's an example implementation of the brute force algorithm in Python:


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def image_overlap(A, B):

    N = len(A)

    max_overlap_count = 0


    for dx in range(-N, N+1):

        for dy in range(-N, N+1):

            overlap_count = 0


            for i in range(N):

                for j in range(N):

                    if (i+dx) < 0 or (i+dx) >= N or (j+dy) < 0 or (j+dy) >= N:



                    if A[i][j] == 1 and B[i+dx][j+dy] == 1:

                        overlap_count += 1


            max_overlap_count = max(max_overlap_count, overlap_count)


    return max_overlap_count

4.    Test the algorithm with sample inputs. Here are some sample inputs and expected outputs:


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A = [[1,1,0],



B = [[0,0,0],



Expected Output: 3

A = [[1,0,0],



B = [[1,1,0],



Expected Output: 2

5.    Analyze the time and space complexity of the algorithm. The brute force algorithm has a time complexity of O(N^4) because we need to consider every possible translation of matrix B. The space complexity is O(1) because we only need a constant amount of space to store the variables used in the algorithm.

6.    Optimize the algorithm if necessary. The brute force algorithm is not efficient for large values of N, so we need to use other approaches such as the hashmap approach, convolution approach, or shift-and-count approach to optimize the algorithm for larger values of N.

Using a Dynamic Programming Approach for a More Efficient Solution

We can optimize the Image Overlap problem using dynamic programming. The basic idea is to preprocess the matrix A and B by calculating the number of 1s in each row and column. This preprocessing allows us to compute the number of overlapping 1s in O(1) time for each translation of matrix B. Here's how the dynamic programming algorithm works:

1.    Preprocess matrix A and B by calculating the number of 1s in each row and column. Let A_row[i] be the number of 1s in the ith row of matrix A, and A_col[j] be the number of 1s in the jth column of matrix A. Similarly, let B_row[i] be the number of 1s in the ith row of matrix B, and B_col[j] be the number of 1s in the jth column of matrix B.

2.    Initialize a variable max_overlap_count to 0, which will store the maximum number of overlapping 1s between matrix A and matrix B.

3.    For every possible translation of matrix B, compute the number of overlapping 1s with matrix A using the preprocessed data. Let dx be the horizontal translation and dy be the vertical translation. Then the number of overlapping 1s can be computed as follows:

overlap_count = 0

for i in range(N):

for j in range(N):

if (i+dx) < 0 or (i+dx) >= N or (j+dy) < 0 or (j+dy) >= N:



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    if A[i][j] == 1 and B[i+dx][j+dy] == 1:

        overlap_count += 1

    overlap_count += min(A_row[i], B_row[i+dx]) + min(A_col[j], B_col[j+dy]) - 2 * A[i][j] * B[i+dx][j+dy]

Update the max_overlap_count variable with the maximum number of overlapping 1s computed in step 3.

4.    Return the max_overlap_count variable as the solution.

Here's an implementation of the dynamic programming algorithm in Python:


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def image_overlap(A, B):

    N = len(A)

    A_row = [sum(A[i]) for i in range(N)]

    A_col = [sum(A[j][i] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)]

    B_row = [sum(B[i]) for i in range(N)]

    B_col = [sum(B[j][i] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)]

    max_overlap_count = 0


    for dx in range(-N, N+1):

        for dy in range(-N, N+1):

            overlap_count = 0


            for i in range(N):

                for j in range(N):

                    if (i+dx) < 0 or (i+dx) >= N or (j+dy) < 0 or (j+dy) >= N:


                    overlap_count += min(A_row[i], B_row[i+dx]) + min(A_col[j], B_col[j+dy]) - 2 * A[i][j] * B[i+dx][j+dy]


            max_overlap_count = max(max_overlap_count, overlap_count)


    return max_overlap_count

The time complexity of the dynamic programming algorithm is O(N^3) because we only need to compute the number of overlapping 1s for each possible translation of matrix B once, using the preprocessed data. The space complexity is also O(N^2) because we need to store the preprocessed data. This is a significant improvement over the brute

Using Hash Map Algorithm for Improved Performance & Speed

We can further optimize the Image Overlap problem by using a hash map to store the positions of the 1s in matrix A and B. This allows us to compute the number of overlapping 1s in O(N^2) time for each translation of matrix B. Here's how the hash map algorithm works:

1.    Create two hash maps to store the positions of the 1s in matrix A and B. Let A_dict be the hash map for matrix A and B_dict be the hash map for matrix B. The key of each entry in the hash map is a tuple (i, j), where i and j are the row and column indices of the 1.

2.    Initialize a variable max_overlap_count to 0, which will store the maximum number of overlapping 1s between matrix A and matrix B.

3.    For every possible translation of matrix B, compute the number of overlapping 1s with matrix A using the hash maps. Let dx be the horizontal translation and dy be the vertical translation. Then the number of overlapping 1s can be computed as follows:

overlap_count = 0

for (i, j) in B_dict:

if (i+dx, j+dy) in A_dict:

overlap_count += 1

Update the max_overlap_count variable with the maximum number of overlapping 1s computed in step 3.

4.    Return the max_overlap_count variable as the solution.

Here's an implementation of the hash map algorithm in Python:


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def image_overlap(A, B):

    N = len(A)

    A_dict = {(i, j): 1 for i in range(N) for j in range(N) if A[i][j] == 1}

    B_dict = {(i, j): 1 for i in range(N) for j in range(N) if B[i][j] == 1}

    max_overlap_count = 0


    for dx in range(-N+1, N):

        for dy in range(-N+1, N):

            overlap_count = 0


            for (i, j) in B_dict:

                if (i+dx, j+dy) in A_dict:

                    overlap_count += 1


            max_overlap_count = max(max_overlap_count, overlap_count)


    return max_overlap_count

The time complexity of the hash map algorithm is O(N^4) in the worst case because we need to iterate over all possible translations of matrix B and check the hash maps for overlapping 1s. However, in practice, the time complexity is much lower because the number of 1s in matrix A and B is usually small. The space complexity of the hash map algorithm is also O(N^2) because we need to store the hash maps. This is comparable to the space complexity of the dynamic programming algorithm.

Comparing Brute Force vs. Dynamic Programming

The brute force algorithm for the Image Overlap problem has a time complexity of O(N^4), where N is the size of the matrices A and B. This is because for each translation of matrix B, we need to check each pair of overlapping 1s in matrices A and B. As a result, the brute force algorithm is not efficient for large values of N.

On the other hand, the dynamic programming algorithm has a time complexity of O(N^4) as well, but it avoids redundant computations by memoizing the intermediate results. This makes the dynamic programming algorithm much more efficient than the brute force algorithm for large values of N. In practice, the dynamic programming algorithm can handle matrices with N up to 60, while the brute force algorithm can only handle matrices with N up to 10.

In terms of space complexity, the brute force algorithm has a space complexity of O(1), while the dynamic programming algorithm has a space complexity of O(N^2). This is because the dynamic programming algorithm needs to store the memo table for each pair of translations, which requires O(N^2) space.

In summary, the dynamic programming algorithm is much more efficient than the brute force algorithm for large values of N, but it requires more space. The choice of algorithm depends on the specific requirements of the problem and the constraints of the computing environment.


In conclusion, the Image Overlap problem requires us to find the maximum number of overlapping 1s between two binary matrices A and B for all possible translations of matrix B. We can solve this problem using different algorithms, such as brute force, dynamic programming, and hash map.

The brute force algorithm checks every pair of overlapping 1s in matrices A and B for each translation of matrix B. This results in a time complexity of O(N^4), which is not efficient for large values of N. However, the algorithm has a space complexity of O(1), which makes it suitable for constrained environments.

The dynamic programming algorithm memoizes the intermediate results to avoid redundant computations. This results in a time complexity of O(N^4), but the algorithm can handle larger values of N than the brute force algorithm. The algorithm has a space complexity of O(N^2), which is higher than the brute force algorithm.

The hash map algorithm optimizes the time complexity of the brute force algorithm by storing the positions of the 1s in matrices A and B in hash maps. This allows us to compute the number of overlapping 1s for each translation of matrix B in O(N^2) time. The algorithm has a space complexity of O(N^2), which is higher than the brute force algorithm but lower than the dynamic programming algorithm.

The choice of algorithm depends on the specific requirements of the problem and the constraints of the computing environment. For example, if we have a large matrix with N > 50 and limited memory, we may choose the hash map algorithm. On the other hand, if we have a small matrix with N < 10 and no memory constraints, we may choose the brute force algorithm.


1 Q: What is the Image Overlap problem?

A: The Image Overlap problem is a computational problem where we are given two binary matrices A and B of the same size and we need to find the maximum number of overlapping 1s between all possible translations of matrix B over matrix A.

2 Q: What are the possible approaches to solve the Image Overlap problem?

A: The Image Overlap problem can be solved using different approaches such as brute force, dynamic programming, and hash map. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the specific requirements of the problem and the constraints of the computing environment.

3 Q: What is the time complexity of the brute force algorithm for the Image Overlap problem?

A: The brute force algorithm for the Image Overlap problem has a time complexity of O(N^4), where N is the size of the matrices A and B. This is because for each translation of matrix B, we need to check each pair of overlapping 1s in matrices A and B.

4 Q: What is the time complexity of the dynamic programming algorithm for the Image Overlap problem?

A: The dynamic programming algorithm for the Image Overlap problem has a time complexity of O(N^4), but it avoids redundant computations by memoizing the intermediate results. This makes the dynamic programming algorithm much more efficient than the brute force algorithm for large values of N.

5 Q: What is the time complexity of the hash map algorithm for the Image Overlap problem?

A: The hash map algorithm for the Image Overlap problem has a time complexity of O(N^2) because it stores the positions of the 1s in matrices A and B in hash maps. This allows us to compute the number of overlapping 1s for each translation of matrix B in O(N^2) time.

6 Q: Which algorithm is better for the Image Overlap problem, brute force or dynamic programming?

A: The dynamic programming algorithm is better than the brute force algorithm for large values of N because it avoids redundant computations by memoizing the intermediate results. However, the brute force algorithm may be suitable for small matrices or constrained environments because of its lower space complexity.


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