If your marketing strategy for your golf course is feeling stale or you’re struggling to get it enough attention to get it off the ground, we have some tips. Sports marketing expert Evan Tynan has been actively helping athletic and marketing departments enhance their sales and reputation efforts within the graphic design phases and amid online communities. Here, he offers these best practices for golf course owners and promotional team members.
1. Optimize Your Website with
Clever SEO Strategies
Using excessive keywords to get search engines’ attention
is essentially a thing of the past. Web viewers want real information and
clever content—essentially a site that asks them to do something specific. Book
a tee time today, host your next tournament here, or schedule a lesson with a
golf pro. This helps drive visitors to the site and can overhaul and boost your
bottom line.
2. Showcase Tempting
Many viewers want to see engaging photos on your website.
Take the most picturesque views possible of your course, highlighting the
challenges while distinguishing each hole as unique. Choose a signature hole to
forge your branding strategy to attract new players and retain current ones
alike. Keep your course in the ‘forefront of players’ minds by showcasing the
course with a drone video that can also be used for promotional purposes across
multiple sites.
3. Keep Up a Current Blog
Staying active on your site’s blog keeps you relevant in
top search engines and can attract golfers looking for tee times, tournaments,
contests, and game tips. The key is making posts consistent and relevant to the
sport, your course, and the local area in general. This is where your team of
golf pros can come in handy and showcase their expertise while offering up
their knowledge of the game.
4. Ease Online Booking
Golfers love being able to book tee times on the fly when
the weather permits or they have clients to entertain. Create an online booking
tool to streamline operations and reduce costs by saving employees time doing
so the traditional way. Make pages easy to navigate, take online payments, and
consider implementing a mobile app that appeals to tech-savvy players on the
5. Stay On Top of Online
Potential customers have a tendency to check out online
reviews, and existing ones are commonly spending time leaving comments on their
testimonials on business websites. Take a look regularly at profile reviews
left on Yelp, Google, the Yellow Pages, and other popular websites to see how
others feel and address any existing issues. Encourage viewers to share their
experience with an Instagram or Facebook-friendly site that offers rewards and
perks for visitors who comment.
Get a Team Player On Your
With over a decade of experience working in the field of
athletics, digital, marketing, graphic design, and communications, having Evan
Tynan on your team can be a game-winning asset. Check out his dynamic portfolio of
works and explore the numerous sporting interests he’s been involved
with over the years.
read more: Gene Warhurst