Gopika Barai

Gopika Barai

Women in pharmacy face many challenges. Whether it's striving for perfection, balancing work and family life, or dealing with discrimination, women pharmacists have to be prepared to overcome obstacles. But with the support of groups like Pharmacist Moms, women can find the strength to overcome these challenges and build successful careers in pharmacy.

Women are well-represented as staff in US pharmacies. In 2009, only 46.4% of employees were women, but this number has grown to nearly two-thirds in 2019. This trend is also seen in managerial positions, where 58.8% of pharmacists in management jobs are now women.

Obstacles to Ownership

Despite women's growing presence in the pharmacy workforce, they remain underrepresented as pharmacy owners. In 2016, women-owned just over a quarter of US pharmacies. This disparity is due to several factors, including the high cost of buying a pharmacy, lack of access to capital, and the challenges of balancing work and family life.

High Initial Investment

The high cost of starting a pharmacy is one of the biggest barriers to ownership for women pharmacists. Independent pharmacies typically cost between $350,000 and $450,000 to start up, and this can be a prohibitive amount for many women. Many pharmacists graduate with student loans, so they may wait to pay down loans before seeking ownership opportunities.

Lack of Access to Capital

In addition to the high initial investment, women also face obstacles in accessing capital to start a pharmacy.  They are less likely to access business credit cards or lines of credit. As a result, women often have to rely on family and friends for support when starting a pharmacy. This can be a difficult task, and it can put a strain on all involved.

Balancing Work and Family Life

Another challenge that women pharmacists face is balancing work and family life. Women are more likely than men to have primary responsibility for childcare and other family obligations. This can make it difficult to find the time to start a business or work the long hours required to get a new pharmacy off the ground. Gopika Barai, a new mom and pharmacist practicing in Linden, NJ, loves all things about moms. At the same time, she continues to have career aspirations.

Despite these challenges, women are finding ways to overcome them and become successful pharmacy owners. Women-owned pharmacies are on the rise, and groups like Pharmacist Moms are providing support and networking opportunities for women in pharmacy. With the right resources, women can overcome the obstacles to ownership and build successful careers in pharmacy.

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