Erich Squire Offers Advice for Making Your Way Up the Corporate Ladder

Erich Squire

Executive Erich K Squire recently offered his top advice for making your way up the corporate ladder.

Erich K Squire is a finance guru, but he didn't start in his current executive position. Squire spent years advancing his education, developing new skills, and networking his way to the top. He recently offered his top tips for advancing up the corporate ladder.

Work on Communication Skills

One of the most essential skills to advance a career is communication. An employee ready to advance in their career can communicate well with colleagues, team members, managers, and the company's leaders when possible. An ability to clearly state your opinions and desires is critical to achieving success.

Problem Solve Like a Pro

Excellent problem-solving skills make an employee an invaluable asset to your team and the entire company. Critical thinking capabilities help individuals look at a problem from many angles to find a fitting solution.

Be Willing to Learn

Knowledge is the No. 1 ingredient to climbing the corporate ladder, and the best way to acquire knowledge is a willingness to learn. Erich Squire explained the importance of being open to learning new skills and gaining knowledge. Developments are constantly occurring in every field, and staying up to date on these developments can put one employee ahead of the competition when seeking promotions and other advancements.

Be Noticeable

An employee who stays in the shadows will face difficulty making it up the corporate ladder. Sometimes, skills and relentless hard work don't speak for themselves. This is especially the case when numerous employees put in the same effort. Erich Squire recommended taking a few extra steps to stand out, including the following:

  •         Always ask for feedback from superiors and team members. Find out where improvements can be made and make them.
  •         Take part in company activities. Company outings or charity events give employees opportunities to meet those higher on the corporate ladder than themselves. Even the smallest events can result in major opportunities.

Be Different

An employee that can break down barriers and alter an organization's path is often one of the most valuable. Executives value employees that think differently, approach problems from unique angles, and find more efficient ways to complete tasks. The more ways an individual can help a company improve its bottom line, the more likely they are to climb the ladder quickly.

Erich Squire and His Career Path

Mr. Squire understands the difficulties of advancing up the corporate ladder because he did it. He holds a BA in mathematics from Indiana University and an MBA from the University of Louisville. He was the head of sales, HR, and finance for a multi-billion dollar public company.

Squire's ability to lead just about every business unit in a company came from years of developing and mastering his communication, problem-solving, networking, and critical-thinking skills. He hopes his success story will encourage others to pursue their career goals.

read more: Gopika Barai

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