In many situations, a tax preparation expert may be the only person most people know who knows about taxes, financial planning, and more. But the sheer implication of this reality is that anyone pursuing a tax-planning business needs a hefty financial planning arm for growing their tax-planning business, whether as training as a precursor to the business, ancillary services that comport with the business, or both.
If a client is asking a tax-planning expert about buying or leasing a vehicle or home, 529 planning, estate items, and whether they’re on track for retirement, this absolutely assumes that the tax-planning organization has the complementary financial knowledge to field these questions. Without sufficient financial-planning information in this regard, many tax professionals may resort to cursory Google searches, loose anecdotal evidence, or worse, they may simply dodge altogether the important questions their clients need answers to.
The disciplines of financial planning work hand-in-hand with tax planning and will significantly expand a tax firm’s resources and competence for a variety of client needs. Adding key expert-knowledge areas such as budgeting, retirement, education financing, estate and gifts, and so on can expand your business and prevent your client from feeling a need to split their investment into two or more different firms. Best of all, learning and incorporating key financial-planning disciplines is not a grossly complicated process.
Mr. Barry Bulakites is an accomplished Denver financial services provider and President of Table Bay Financial Network, Inc. since 2005. Mr. Bulakites carries a distinct passion for helping clients across a variety of financial disciplines, including tax planning, to intimately learn and incorporate the financial-planning disciplines their firms need in order to be successful.
Barry Bulakites specializes in U.S. and International Life, Variable Annuity, and Fixed Indexed Annuity Lines. He is the Senior Managing Director of America’s Tax Solutions since 2010. He is a graduate of the prestigious London Business School Discovery Programme for Senior Executives, and as a frequent public speaker, he conducts over 250 speaking engagements each year. He has made frequent appearances on a variety of media programs to discuss the state of financial markets and retirement planning. His advisory clients include sports teams, music stars, and the companies he helps establish sustainable retirement plans. Many established CPAs utilize Barry as their consultant of choice to learn about retirement taxation strategies. Barry’s experience includes serving as the Regional Chief Executive Officer for Lincoln National Life, Senior Vice President of National Sales at Jackson National Life, and Senior Managing Partner at America’s IRA Centers.
Bulakites is a frequent blogger on retirement topics, and his blog can be found at
Barry provides a tremendous amount of retirement information through his Twitter account at
Table Bay also trains others in the financial services industry on how to achieve success and best assist their clients in realizing their retirement goals.