Funny Thanksgiving memes in 2021

What is Thanksgiving Day??

Americans and Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving Day as a Holiday In the pleasure of the good harvest. However, the Americans celebrate on the 4th Thursday of November and Canadians celebrate this day on the Second Monday of October. Canada and us celebrate this day on different days because the Canadian Thanksgiving Day is closely linked to the harvest festival since we are more familiar with the UK. The story behind the celebration of this happy festival is of the pilgrim's Meal that was first offered by the Native Americans. Most of the families offer a large meal and even a religious service on this day. This day is celebrated by many countries of the world and on different days because this day comes on the harvest season and when the country harvests their field this day is celebrated as a festival. This is a day which is to be celebrated with our loved ones and making them feel special.

Funny Thanksgiving memes

The funny meme - that time when someone dropped Turkey

·      I was rubbing olive oil all over Turkey and suddenly I dropped it. It was fully covered with oil but I again rubbed oil on it and then cooked it. But I didn’t tell this incident to anybody for 10 years and everyone enjoyed that Turkey.  I told this incident to my friends and parents this year and guess what!!!  no one was sick or feeling ill due to eating that fallen dish.

·      The main tradition on the day is the widespread practice iced ritual of the Thanksgiving meal. The meal that is offered on this Thanksgiving Day usually consists of mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, and sweet potatoes. This is offered to many families who have helped other families in making their life better. The main celebration is about the harvest. The festival is specially celebrated by the farmers and the pilgrims who have successfully harvested the field.

Funny meme - When we had A family dinner and the refrigerator stopped working.

Thanksgiving memes

After our marriage, I and my husband welcomed over parents and sister-in-law for giving them the Thanksgiving meal. The evening before thanksgiving was very much Pleasant when my refrigerator door fell off   — no, it wasn’t an old fridge! but thanks to my hubby who fixed it temporarily. My, I and my husband were already to bring a then with a great meal. We thought of making a good meal of ham. Suddenly my stove stopped working and seeing all my plans going into the water I started to cry. But my mom saved my plans and made an old toaster turn into a stove and made the ham more delicious.  However, it took hours and hours to cook but we ate that delicious stuff. I got a new stove in form of the old toaster and even the fridge the next day as a Thanksgiving for me.

The traditional meal offered on Thanksgiving

Funny Thanksgiving memes

Thanksgiving meal includes foods like Turkey and cookies. Here are many Thanksgiving traditions besides the meal which are written below but first of all there is a list of the meal offered on the day

  •      Ham
  •       Buttered rum
  •       Stuffing
  •       Dumpling
  •       Fudge
  •       Hot chocolate
  •       Custard
  •       Apple cider
  •       Candy canes
  •       Mixed nuts
  •       Egg nog
  •       Plum pudding
  •       Pies
  •       Fruit cake

The funny meme - that time when the mashed potatoes didn’t work quite out

It’s about last year when my aunt had hosted Thanksgiving dinner and tried to make mashed potatoes. She tried to match the full 10-pound bag of cooked potatoes at 1:00 time in such a huge stockpot. That year, we just sliced the mashed potatoes with Fox and knives since it wasn’t cooked properly. But we never returned for a dinner again to her on Thanksgiving.

Traditions followed on Thanksgiving Day

·      Many churches give a special Thanksgiving Day service which is centred on thanks to God as he has helped the farmers in harvesting the field. Each of the family members gives each other a message of thanks before starting the meal on the table. Every family member is again united on this yearly reunion.

·      During the meal, the family breaks Turkey's wishbone. But whoever pulls away the larger piece is granted a wish. Some people also celebrate this day by doing charity work and common activities including serving and preparing meals for the homeless and shelter less people.

Funny memes

Funny meme - the time when the stuffing was too organic

We were about to offer a Thanksgiving meal for our sister-in-law. But when my wife woke up early in the morning for making the stuffing and preparing the Turkey for the meal as you opened up the stuffing mix, it was full of moths and hundreds of Moths flew out of the sealed package. I had to run as an emergency in search of stuffing mix that morning will stop although, I found it was a great challenge that morning.

Celebration of thanksgiving by international countries

·      Thanksgiving The day is celebrated in Canada with great enthusiasm which marks the successful harvest of the French settlers in modern Canada. They celebrate the day in October when the weather is warmer

·      Germany celebrates the Thanksgiving festival in October like Americans which consist of feasting and religious traditions of the church.


The Japanese celebrate the day of labour who has roots with harvest celebration but that time when someone war clone suit in the Thanksgiving meal

·      I remember when I was in the 4th grade, my best friend and I was in the Thanksgiving Day parade. Both are now celebrated for the labour and production thankfulness.

·      The Netherlands observe Thanksgiving Day honor the pilgrims and marking their Plymouth continues.

Funny meme —     that time when the tofurky did not work


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