Stress Reduction Is A Benefit Of Massage Therapy

Greenwich Message Therapy

Stress is something that we experience in our whole life span. Having stress is a universal human phenomenon because every person is a victim of it. Do you know when we say the word stress about what we are talking about? According to general perception, stress is something that leaves us feeling overwhelmed. The perception of stress is as something negative distorts its true nature. Stress is more about our capacity of handling change whether that one is good or bad. Changes always happen in life and stress is in large part what we react to that change. Stress is producing a bad impact on our health.

It is important to react to change with a relaxed mindset which is possible by stress reduction. Greenwich Massage Therapy can help you feel less stressed.  Stress can be of both types physical and mental. An injury can cause stress in muscles but sometimes the overbuild of muscles due to stress also cause pain. The reason behind mental stress can be restricted movement pain and injury. The hormone called cortisol cause stress which is also a trigger of anxiety and depression. A small amount of stress is beneficial, but too much stress can be painful.

Appropriate Types Of Massage For Stress Reduction:

There is a range of massage types that are suitable for stress reduction. But the kinds of massage which are superior to others in this category are:

  •       Deep Tissue Massage
  •       Swedish massage
  •       Therapeutic massage

All three types of massage work as follows:

The goal of deep tissue massage is to concentrate on the layers of soft tissues. Because the most common reason for the stress is the build-up of muscles which restricts movement. Stress is relieved by stretching and spreading muscle fibers and tissues. This makes muscles relax and loosen. Loose muscles move easily which reduce pain and stress.

Swedish massage is intended to relax a person both physically and mentally. This massage uses the technique of manipulation of muscles. It encourages muscles to relax and stretch to alleviate any tension. The reduced tightness of muscles reduces mental stress.

The therapeutic massage produces gentle pressure on all areas that possess soft tissues. The basic purpose of this massage is the induction of relaxation. At the poor relaxation level, stress level builds up. It also causes anxiety and muscle knots. This Greenwich Message Therapy increases localized blood flow. The blood flow contains positive hormones called endorphins. Serotonin, and dopamine. The positive hormones promote well-being and induce a sense of relaxation. It increases muscular elasticity and prevents muscles from forming knots again. As a result, reduced tension and muscular knots reduce stress.

Massage Techniques Helpful In Reducing Stress:

Various techniques can be very handy but the most appropriate are:

  •       Deep stroke
  •       Trigger pointing
  •       Lymphatic drainage

What Kinds of Stress-Reducing Situations Can Massage Help With?

Massage for stress relief can be beneficial in a variety of situations. The situation in which massage therapy most commonly help are:

  •       Acute pain
  •       Post-injury
  •       Relaxation

Reduced Stress's Psychological Impact:

  •       It increases the production of endorphin, serotonin, and dopamine.
  •       The amount of cortisol decrease in the blood.


The reduction of stress is a combination of both physical and mental relaxation. The major kinds of massage discussed in this article are some of the most effective weapons against stress. Meridian Spa is the right place to utilize these weapons against stress. Massage can deal with a range of situations that occurs due to an increased amount of stress. There is no doubt that it is the most trusted therapy for stress.

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