Challenger - by Daniel Jackson

Daniel Jackson

It's good to know that a lot of rap and hip hop in this world can come back to the bedroom and talk about the pain of business beats that can bring you something all the time. Golden memory age. Challenging old-school hip-hop classics, Challenger is nothing more than speaking the language of the future, adding the right roadmap and hope of sadness through the choice and flow of words. It is fast, powerful, and from its own melody to a pleasant change in poetry, which ironically seems to have disappeared from the new Abadilla street poetry genre.

And while it's easy to see where it's coming from, it's more about these ideas, the hip-hop ducts, the rap stories, the contradictions in the trip-hop, and the new shapes, the static in delivery, and the layout of the future. Mood ... shit hoop maybe ... looks like Daniel Jackson. Connect with the past, but build the future and it will appear in Challenger. As celebrities have noted, the future is not written. So why not try to put your signature on your blank page?

Challenger by Daniel Jackson from Daniel jackson on Vimeo.

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