Gatsby Websites for functional future

Gatsby makes it easy to make blazing fast, changing the web experiences without having to become a performance expert. Gatsby wordpress Themes is the most trending static site generator that has made the websites faster with its lesser time to load a web page. This new technology is being used in developing websites and applications to make them faster and secure.


Website Front-end got better


The user interface if gets static and loads in less than 2 seconds would be a real surprise where greater information is opening within seconds and you do not have to wait for the images to load or the videos to buffer. The front-end and thus the back-end being separated making the online site supported microservices is the newest architecture for development that's for easy the designing, development and marketing teams also. All the benefits on the brink of form an online site and technology are a huge success. Things work as long as people are working on making improvements. WPGraphQL is the API plugin getting used by WordPress to integrate with Gatsby.

How to use Gatsby?

The installation and integration require some prerequisites to be fulfilled so you want to remember the items you would like before integrating your WP website with Gatsby. you want to be conversant in React and JavaScript, there are many platforms which will provide you with guidance on both. you want to have an understanding of Gatsby and therefore the static site generators and the way the dynamic pages are created on SSGs. you want to have an understanding of WordPress CMS and the way to manage its platform.


1. Install Gatsby to create an internet site

2. Connect Gatsby with WordPress through GraphQL

3. Create pages or blog posts

4. Import the pictures from WordPress that you simply are using as a back-end


Working with Gatsby and WordPress

Simply by adding WP GraphQL and WP Gatsby during your WP installation you'll switch to Jamstack Themes adding security and speed to your website. Jamstack is an infrastructure of website and application development that supports microservices and detaches the front-end and back-end negating the standard structure of web development. With the change of your time, the structures are refining and improving the web site and application performance. WordPress is that the best CMS and most trending and on the opposite hand Gatsby is that the best Static Site generator so both of those best tools are brought together and linked through GraphQL APIs.

The concept of the static site generator isn't now and it has been available since long within the tech market, the difference is that it has been integrated with WordPress and gained far more popularity amongst the people trying to seek out very best solutions for his or her websites. Gatsby uses React-based framework for static sites that are the centre of attraction for several JavaScript developers but many of the WordPress developers and users are also showing great interest in this new revolution within the tech world.


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